
Gary Kynaston

hammersmith Academy Headteacher's blog:

The musings of a West London Headteacher

Wednesday, 19 January 2011


I wish you all well this New Year and that with hard work and luck that your resolutions remain resolute and that opportunities and ideas come to fruition and that success comes your way.

The starter pistol for the new calendar year has fired very loudly. The countdown to opening has truly begun with the 2011 number at the end of each calendar day. The Christmas break provided some much deserved rest for the team who are refreshed and firing on all cylinders. Welcome to John Campbell, deputy head, who has launched himself two footed into the maelstrom of activity, as if he has always been part of the team.

It is with much regret that Kate, my PA, has returned to Australia. She has been a key component in helping to launch the Hammersmith Academy project over the last 9 months and will be sorely missed. Even so, we have recruited additional administrative help to support the expanding team, to ensure that no plates stop spinning as new plates are added.

We have launched headlong into the recruitment season. The first posts are IT Systems Manager and Finance Director. Key roles in the procurement and embedding of important processes and systems, to ensure that the building can function effectively come September. Also, the next level of senior management with Assistant Head interviews in early February, closely followed by Heads of Department and other subject and non-teaching staff. The train is certainly moving up to full speed. Keen interest is anticipated for these posts and we expect many teachers to come to our recruitment evening at St Paul’s Girls’ School on Wed 19th January to hear my vision and values.

The admissions process was highly successful. There has been huge interest from the families within Hammersmith and Fulham and beyond. Over 650 parents and students placed us on their application form with over 500 choosing to participate in our Fair Banded test. All data has now been passed on to the local authority for offers to be made through the Pan-London arrangements that binds all schools. We wait to receive the information back in March to know who the students in year 7 will be.

The sixth form recruitment continues at pace. Student applications are flying in! The first priority date of 31st January is fast approaching. We have started to interview and make offers for places to those early applicants. We will of course continue to recruit, but courses are filling up. So if you are in Year 11, get that application in! We are 80% to our target and I would love personally to smash through the target.

Social media has been part of our progression. Communication through our IT and Digital specialism means we are now Twittering and using Facebook, as well as other social media. Zoƫ Thompson has become our resident media guru. Look out for our Media competition. We have produced some radio and visual adverts. All made with free software available on the internet. We think we have done quite well! We challenge you to do better. All entries will be judged by a select group of local media commentators at our media event at The Lyric on the 10th March. Prizes will be given to the winning entries. Show us you musical, video and media talents. Can you blend them to make a winning entry? Check out the website for more details.

The building is developing fast. It feels more and more like a school, with zones, rooms and spaces taking shape. Orders for major fixtures and furniture have been made. We hope to have access to the building in early June to continue our preparations. We hope to be able to organise Induction days for the new year 7 students and visits for prospective 6th form students and parents in July. Being a building project, I cannot yet make absolute promises, but watch this space. We are working towards this as desired goal.

On 11th January Steven Greenhalgh, Leader of the Council and Helen Binmore, Councilor for Children’s Services visited the Hammersmith Academy site, with council officers. It was great to be able to show off the construction and help develop a clearer understanding of how this intelligent building will help manifest our vision for creativity and inspiration in learning, whilst ensuring high standards and excellence. The continued support of the Council and its officers has ensured that this project remains on-track and will clearly provide additional opportunities to the residents of Hammersmith and Fulham. Also, the level of IT that permeates the building will allow us to develop my dream to ensure students have access to all the tools and information required to become confident 21st century learners. Hammersmith Academy students will switch naturally between different learning environments using technology that best suits the task in hand.

So with purpose and ambition we continue to fire ourselves up to meet the challenge of launching a cutting edge academy, with children at its core, an advanced curriculum at its heart and inspiration and achievement in its soul.

1 comment:

  1. First of all , a happy new year to you too. It all seems to be going well with the school development and things seem to be moving very fast so well done for all the hard work so far.

    Sadly i missed the recruitment evening St Paul’s Girls’ School on the 19th. But i will certainly keep my "web ears" open for when the posts become available for application.

    Keep up the good work and the blog.

