
Gary Kynaston

hammersmith Academy Headteacher's blog:

The musings of a West London Headteacher

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Warming Up Nicely & Keeping Winter at Bay!

The half-term seems but a distant memory and we race towards the Christmas holiday period.  Sixth form are feverishly completing their modules and preparing for their first mock exams at Hammersmith Academy.  These are in preparation for the real module exams in January.  Focus is the order of the day but the extra time put in now will pay off come the summer results. The year 7 students continue to impress with their enthusiasm for the challenges given to them.  They have embraced our culture of 100% as a reflection of their ambitions.

The Lords Mayor’s Show parade was a tremendous success.  I’d like to give special thanks to our sponsors for the marvellous breakfast at the Mercers’ Great Hall prior to the show.  It was great to sense the history of the hall and the size of the pageant.  Students paraded brilliantly and exhibited great pride in their academy.  They marched with zeal and energy and were one of the loudest groups of participants, engaging with the crowds throughout the route. One special mention for Frank, who was completely unfazed by his interview with Clare Balding during the BBC coverage.  One of a number of potential future broadcasters

Tutor groups have been leading the assemblies for this half term with lots of high quality assemblies produced by the tutor teams during Anti-bullying week (wb: 14th Nov.) and Charity Focus week (wb: 21st Nov.).  There has been a tangible collaboration of talents between our 6th form and year 7 students in each tutor group.  Each group has raised the bar for the next group in their house.

The launch of the Moodle for online curriculum access has increased the number of activities and the overall amount of independent study completed by students.  The laptops have certainly increased the range and types of activities that are stretching all to achieve more. 
Our Session 3 programme of after academy activities (4-5.30pm) has really taken off with lots of sporting and vocational activities starting this term.  Table tennis before the academy day, trampolining, football and basketball, Art Club and Glee club for our performers, library support and reading clubs.  Please see the website for more details of the programme.   

The 6th Form Open Evening was well attended.  I know it seems early for year 11 students to be thinking of next year but applications should be handed in as soon as possible.  Through being able to show the academy in its full glory and with our current 6th form students demonstrating the range of qualifications on offer, there will be much wider interest in the places available for September 2012.  Early applications will ensure an earlier interview and an offer being made.  So do not delay.  Use the website to download an application form and email or send it in!

We aim to have some community use of our MUGA weekdays from 5.30-7pm.  See our website for details. Thanks to QPR for providing the coaches for these sessions.  Look out for the posters.  Further, we aim to launch our Parent and Community Advisory Council after Christmas.  We are still finalising details but the voice of our community is important to us and can help to make us more successful.  From all at the academy, thank you for your support.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Heads Newsletter - October 2011

I would like to start with a very big thank you to our parents and carers for the support that you have provided your child and the academy in the transition from primary to secondary school.  Students have been punctual and very well presented and ready to learn daily.  They have responded brilliantly to the high expectations we set for their appearance and performance inside and outside the academy. The next two weeks provides the opportunity for a well-deserved rest.  We have set some independent learning work for students on the Moodle for the second week to ensure they are ready to return bright and focused for the next half term. 

The last six weeks have flown by but it has been a hive of activity here at the academy. Students have used the entire academy from DT on the ground floor through to Science at the top.  We have held various show events for prospective parents and students, as well as a large opening event with our sponsor, The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists.  On each occasion our students and staff have performed as if we have been at the academy for 6 years rather than the six weeks.

Many trips have been taken in year 12 and year 7.  Trips to the Royal College of Music, who have also kindly donated 3 pianos, a Bafta gaming conference, the British Technology Show, the World Skills Careers Conference, a history trip to the docklands and many more.  It is a great way to enliven the learning and make real connections for our students.  Also, girls’ and boys’ teams have played and won football and basketball matches against local schools.  An auspicious start to our sporting future.

We have celebrated Black History Month throughout October.  Students have researched and learnt about the history and impact of black culture in class, tutor time and through assemblies.  Further, I have been amazed by the science projects brought into the academy by year 7 over the last couple of weeks, dinosaurs with different textures in Art, a celebration of poetry in English and many other projects across the subjects.  Year 12 continue to push to reach their targets as the mock exams loom in December.  Our learning culture continues to strengthen. 

It has been a wonderful start for the academy and I would like to thank my staff whose dedication and hard work in the summer and throughout this term is driving our ambition to be outstanding.  Further, I would like to thank the wider community for your continued support and kind messages. 

Enjoy the break and we look forward to seeing staff and students on Monday 7th November.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Up and running at last!

We have now completed our second full week since opening.  The students’ arrival has transformed the building in to a live functioning academy and it feels brilliant.  To see our incredibly smart and professional student body arriving on day one, with anticipation and excitement, made my heart leap.  All the hard work of the whole academy team came together with the smooth transition into a place of learning.

Parents’ anxieties were soothed by the confidence of their sons and daughters.  Last kisses and hugs at the gate and a wave goodbye after our ceremonial cutting of the ribbon at the entrance.  It is always a tough transition from primary to secondary for parents, as well as students.
Our students have come from many different primary schools and secondary schools for our first cohort of year 7 and sixth form.  The preparations have paid off as I visit classroom upon classroom where students are engaged in their learning.  Books being read and journals written in, questions being answered and sports facilities ringing to the sounds of excited action.  It is music to our ears.

The tie ceremony on the first day really made our opening day special.  Students recited our mission statement to their Head of House and committed to be an HA learner.  They have already taken ownership of what it means to be a Hammersmith Academy student and are setting the very high standards required of others in years to come.  Also, the competition for naming the houses has begun.  It will culminate with presentations by students to the governors to select the four best. The theme, of course, is technology around our specialisms in IT and creative and digital media.

And so we begin again.  The Open Evening on the 10th October is fast approaching.  We are two weeks into opening and we are thinking about the transition of the current year 6s.  It will be so much easier this year.  We have an academy and our own students to show off and I think parents and their children will be impressed.

We are also able to take on a few more sixth form students.  We have had to split courses because of large numbers and so have a few additional places available.  If you are a sixth former and have the grades, then make an application now.  

Contact us at the academy and send in a completed application form available through the website at http://www.hammersmithacdademy.org/
Well, I sign off now with pride in the way our students have risen to the challenge of being the founding members of Hammersmith Academy.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Only days and hours to go....

The final splashes of touch-up paint are going some of the walls.  We want it to be perfect! Pin boards and display cabinets are being erected.  They look empty without the work of students displayed within them.  Furniture is being moved into position.  Cleaners are hoovering and dusting.  No doubt a daily job for the next few months.  Parents are arriving with excited year 7s collecting uniform and asking last minute questions. We await the final plants and shrubs for the bedding areas around the academy. 

This ‘intelligent’ building is new to everyone and we are all quickly learning how it works. Rooms have automatic lighting and filtering of air.  Windows that know when to open if it’s too hot and close when it’s raining. 

The induction of our staff continues.  The buzz of excitement is tangible.  Teachers are beavering away making final adjustments to the curriculum and taking delivery of equipment and books.  They are itching to meet their new charges in both year 7 and year 12. 

Our new catering contractor, Innovate, is providing excellent food for our staff.  Students will be impressed by the sparkly Restaurant area and choices on offer.  We are using an online payment system called ‘Squid.’  Letters have been sent out to parents on how to do this. This means parents can pay online so that students do not have to bring money to the Academy.  Another technological solution to support our student community.

All we need now are the students.  The long summer holidays draw to a close and the anticipation is building toward day one, Thursday 8th September.  We have enrolled a fantastic group of students into our sixth form and expanded some of our courses as we continue to enrol late applications.   Courses are filling up and teachers allocated, so be quick.   
The vision is truly becoming a reality.  

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Energised by our outstanding founding staff and students

The excitement is building. The countdown has truly begun.  We have been meeting with our founding staff and students over the last month and we’re now moving purposefully towards our September start.

We really enjoyed meeting all our year 7 students and parents to find out more about them, organise uniform and answer key questions about the Academy.  We look forward to meeting them again at the Academy in July. 

The building is completed and we are now waiting for the delivery of furniture and equipment to change spaces into operational classrooms.  We’ve got a really busy summer ahead for all staff in getting it all perfect!

We held an excellent Founding Staff Induction Day at the Mercers’ Hall on the last day of the month.  This was a chance for all 30 staff, both support and teaching, to meet each other for the first time and start working towards achieving our vision and values in more detail. It was a fantastic event with staff travelling from as far as Bradford and Southampton. We ended our day at the Academy with a continued sense of excitement when many of the staff saw their curriculum areas for the first time – their eyes lit up in anticipation of teaching in such cutting edge facilities. We felt a real sense of pride and collegiality as we became aligned to the vision of starting this exceptional Academy.  It feels like we’ve been working as a staff together for years rather than just one day…

We are still interviewing for more support staff over the next few weeks to widen the team supporting our students with their learning. There’s no let up in meeting our project plan and getting all the right people to join our team.  Keep checking the website if you are interested in working for the Academy as support staff.

The sixth form acceptance letters keep flooding in.  If you want to make a late application, there’s still time, or if you have not had an interview, please contact admissions to arrange one by emailing tahliacoleman@hammersmithacademy.org . 

We are planning to hold a sixth form Open Event on the 23rd August to give you an opportunity to see and feel the Academy and talk about options for September.  In the mean time, well done for completing your exams, get a good rest and we look forward to hearing about your successes when you come to join us.  Remember to confirm your place as soon as you get your results - we will be waiting for you at the Academy.

Our City Dreams competition was a tremendous success and congratulations to Rowan Enis Race and Hamza Khayoun for their winning entries.  Prizes will be given out at the Academy to inspire the new Year 7 students in the creative and digital media opportunities offered by the Academy.

So the preparations continue.  We will move into the new Academy completely within the next 3 weeks, checking and testing everything to ensure a smooth start for opening on 8th September.  We are extremely grateful to St Paul’s Girls’ School for hosting us for over a year and look to continue our warm and close partnership over the coming years.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Three months and counting!

The Easter break and a royal wedding seem such a distant memory.  Time is racing on but the vision is very much becoming a reality.  The onsite team are working feverishly as the building nears ‘practical completion;’ it’s a strange term but it means that the technical staff can then begin to connect the IT system and ensure the telephony is working effectively.  In turn facilitating the education team to begin to operate from the building itself by mid July.  It’s all coming together now...

In the meantime, we are still gratefully using St Paul’s Girls’ School facilities.  We are looking forward to seeing all our successful Year 7 applicants when they come to SPGS on 13th June with their parents for interviews and for fittings of the new Academy uniform.  We will be also be able to welcome our new Year 7 students and their parents into the new Academy building on 14th July at 6pm.  This will be the first test of our new facilities, it is quite a challenge as most furniture is scheduled for later in the summer but we will keep pressing the theatre seating engineers to be complete on time!

We have recruited all our teaching staff who we communicate with via our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).  They are already working on individual aspects pertaining to their faculty areas.  We are confident we have made high quality appointments and have assembled an incredible team to open the Academy.  We are now moving on to complete our support staff appointments.  They will be advertised via our website in the coming weeks.

Potential 6th form students continue to be interviewed for places in September.  Be sure to check the website for updated information and application details.  Good luck to all those year 11 students’ who are now on study leave preparing to take exams; it is a nerve wracking time for all but good revision and self discipline will support your success.   The City Dreams media competition also continues – year 11 students can submit video entries for the chance to win a digital video camera – so check the website for more details.

Back on site, hundreds of litres of paint are turning plaster walls into classrooms of colour.  Each department has its own identifying colour.   Carpets have been laid, radiators fitted and light switches connected.  Orders are going out for equipment to all subject areas.  It’s truly a monumental task but we are so excited about having it all ready for our first cohort of students in September.

As the dust settles over the next month we will put more photos of the internal spaces on the website – keep an eye on the buildings pages of the website for how it is progressing.  We will have an Open Evening in October for new prospective parents and at some point, we hope to invite the community in to see our building operational with students learning. 

The mid-term break is upon most schools so enjoy the rest.  I look forward to sharing the next instalment and sharing photos of our founding staff, students and parents at upcoming events.  

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Building the Team

We have had a real focus on staff recruitment over the last month, and
we have read through over 1000 applications from potential staff, finally we are almost there! 

Since I last wrote, Facilities Manager David Ashley and Assistant Head Teacher Beth Humphreys have come on board. Beth has overall responsibility for performance management, CPD as well as English.

Beth is an English specialist who has spent her teaching career to date in inner London schools: at Aylwin Girls' School, Harris Academy Bermondsey and City of London Academy. In addition to leading in her own subject area, especially at KS5, she has led on student leadership and literacy across the curriculum. She was the Lead Practitioner on a DCFS project, the Transatlantic Schools Innovation Alliance, partnering schools in London with schools in New York to share best practice and improve adolescent literacy.

She achieved a distinction in her MA in Leadership at the Institute of Education where her dissertation focussed on the leadership of brand new start-up academies. She is also on the board of the College of Teachers.      

Monday, 18 April 2011

April Update

 The Easter break is upon us and a great time to take stock of where we are and what we have achieved so far.  The office is somewhat more cramped with new staff getting to grips with various tasks and actions to ensure our educational vision is met for September.  Knee high in Post-it stickies, document wallets and staff applications as well as documentation and plans that
make up the structure of a school organisation.

After trawling through over 1000 applications for assistant heads, subject leaders and main scale posts, we have shortlisted and interviewed almost daily.  Further, we have been accommodated in schools and academies across London over the last 5 weeks, enabling us to employ some terrifically dynamic staff.  This has been quite a challenge but with the help of our sponsors and other key professionals we have completed the majority of staff appointments.
The year 7 student admission process has created a real buzz and we now know who will be coming to the academy in September.  We will be sharing lots of information with parents and students after Easter about induction, timetables, uniform and lots of other key areas in preparation for the new academic year. 

We have also been busy interviewing for sixth form. This will continue after Easter.  If you are in year 11 and have a professional attitude or desire to achieve and be successful, then we want you!  Any prospective sixth form students are able to call and receive information about our courses.  It is not too late to make an application so download a form and send it in.  Visit the website for more details, especially for our Media competition.  Have you posted your entry yet?
We are looking forward to receiving the keys to the new academy building.  

We plan to move in during late June and hope to have an opportunity to meet with the new Year 7 and their parents during early to mid-July.  We will keep you posted on the building’s progress.  For more details and photos please see the Building page on the website.

Enjoy the well deserved rest both for students and teachers alike.  This has been a long term and a good rest this Easter shall prepare all for the summer push ahead.   This will be most notable around exams for students in their local schools and for teachers, the demanding drive to create the dynamic curriculum and systems ready for opening in September.

I look forward to sharing the next phase of Hammersmith Academy’s development after the Easter break.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Media Careers Evening

Thursday last week saw an enthusiastic group of students enjoying a fascinating evening at Hammersmith's Lyric Theatre. The evening was one of the value add events that HA is running to brief potential students on opportunities and careers in the Media Industry.

We were joined by two leading speakers; Charlie Mawer from Red Bee Media and Mat Appleton from Envy Productions. They explained the differences between production companies who create the master media and post production who edit, add special effects, animations and graphics, as well as producing the trailers, ads and credits for TV programmes and films.

They both gave excellent presentations with video examples - Charlie being the man who thought up and created the 'Swimming Hippos' which were used to promote programmes on BBC TV.

Together, they explained the huge variety of career options. As well as people with technical skills, there are also vacancies for finance managers, project planners, customer service staff, hospitality and event managers, as well as sales and marketing personnel. The list is endless!

After a Q&A session with the main speakers, the HA's marketing adviser Peter Rees, MD of PR Strategic Marketing Ltd., introduced the City Dreams video competition. This is open to all under 18's and offers the chance to demonstrate your creativity and win one of  a number of digital video cameras.

More details and entry information are available on the HA website at 

The evening wound up with a prize draw for 3 lucky students to take away the latest Apple iPod.

Here's to the next time.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

The team is coming together!

Well things are moving very fast. The data about the applications was handed to the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (LBHF) back in January. They have been applying the Pan London Admissions arrangement for all local students in year 6. The first students received their letters of admission to Hammersmith Academy on the 1st March. We now know who is coming to Hammersmith Academy as we receive the letters of acceptance. They will be the trailblazers for our creative and digital media vision. Students will interchange with different technologies in order to achieve the highest academic standards. Our journey begins together and we are now planning your induction into the Hammersmith Academy Way.

We are also very busy preparing for the interviews and observations of the prospective subject leaders who will be teaching the courses for Year 7 and Year 12s. This is quite a logistical feat as we are conducting these interviews in schools across London due to the Academy not being ready to open until June. I would like to extend my thanks to the head teachers, their staff and students in supporting this process.

Welcome to Claire Pringle who is the new Director of Finance and Resources and John Neeson, who is the IT Systems Director. They will be ensuring the technical and IT operations of the academy are in place and ready for use from day one. Quite a challenge but they are more than capable of achieving this. We have also employed a number of Assistant Headteachers who will support the preparations and developing curriculum and pastoral processes.

The team is very excited by the interest in our new 6th Form. We have over 270 applications so far and still rising. Students from a vast range of schools are making a wide range of choices from traditional A level subjects to various performance and creative specialist subjects that we are offering. They are a fantastically varied group of students with different skills and ambitions but all with a huge motivation to want to succeed and be part of the Hammersmith Academy vision. We hope they are working hard in order to attain the high standards required to study with us. Our high professional standards, expectations and professional attitude is inspiring more students to want to come and join us. Letters of confirmation are being posted. If you are in Year 11 and have not applied yet, go to our website, download and email your application.

We are looking forward to our Media event at the Lyric on the 10th March at 5pm. This is a ‘first come, first served’ registered event. We have industry insiders, Kevin Trehy from Warner Brothers and Mat Appleton from Envy Productions, talking to the select audience about the different careers, opportunities and the media business from an insider’s viewpoint. The Media industry is still growing and a great British export of talent and skill even in these times of austerity. If you are in Year 11, interested in Media and have not registered yet, then get on to our website www.Hamsix.com immediately. Places are going fast!

The building looms large with its fantastic curves. The helical stairway in the entrance is a metaphor of the journey to the top for our students. Rising four floors it creates an image of the smooth and steady path to that our students must tread in order to attain the highest standards and achieve their potential. Look at our The Building page on the website to see the architect’s drawings in more detail; see each of the different floors and specialist rooms contained within them.

I will keep you posted, next month, of any new additions and new developments. Good luck to all students especially Year 6 with their upcoming SATs or school tests and to Year 11 preparing for their GCSEs . Be bold and confident.

Onwards and upwards without fear or trepidation.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011


I wish you all well this New Year and that with hard work and luck that your resolutions remain resolute and that opportunities and ideas come to fruition and that success comes your way.

The starter pistol for the new calendar year has fired very loudly. The countdown to opening has truly begun with the 2011 number at the end of each calendar day. The Christmas break provided some much deserved rest for the team who are refreshed and firing on all cylinders. Welcome to John Campbell, deputy head, who has launched himself two footed into the maelstrom of activity, as if he has always been part of the team.

It is with much regret that Kate, my PA, has returned to Australia. She has been a key component in helping to launch the Hammersmith Academy project over the last 9 months and will be sorely missed. Even so, we have recruited additional administrative help to support the expanding team, to ensure that no plates stop spinning as new plates are added.

We have launched headlong into the recruitment season. The first posts are IT Systems Manager and Finance Director. Key roles in the procurement and embedding of important processes and systems, to ensure that the building can function effectively come September. Also, the next level of senior management with Assistant Head interviews in early February, closely followed by Heads of Department and other subject and non-teaching staff. The train is certainly moving up to full speed. Keen interest is anticipated for these posts and we expect many teachers to come to our recruitment evening at St Paul’s Girls’ School on Wed 19th January to hear my vision and values.

The admissions process was highly successful. There has been huge interest from the families within Hammersmith and Fulham and beyond. Over 650 parents and students placed us on their application form with over 500 choosing to participate in our Fair Banded test. All data has now been passed on to the local authority for offers to be made through the Pan-London arrangements that binds all schools. We wait to receive the information back in March to know who the students in year 7 will be.

The sixth form recruitment continues at pace. Student applications are flying in! The first priority date of 31st January is fast approaching. We have started to interview and make offers for places to those early applicants. We will of course continue to recruit, but courses are filling up. So if you are in Year 11, get that application in! We are 80% to our target and I would love personally to smash through the target.

Social media has been part of our progression. Communication through our IT and Digital specialism means we are now Twittering and using Facebook, as well as other social media. Zoƫ Thompson has become our resident media guru. Look out for our Media competition. We have produced some radio and visual adverts. All made with free software available on the internet. We think we have done quite well! We challenge you to do better. All entries will be judged by a select group of local media commentators at our media event at The Lyric on the 10th March. Prizes will be given to the winning entries. Show us you musical, video and media talents. Can you blend them to make a winning entry? Check out the website for more details.

The building is developing fast. It feels more and more like a school, with zones, rooms and spaces taking shape. Orders for major fixtures and furniture have been made. We hope to have access to the building in early June to continue our preparations. We hope to be able to organise Induction days for the new year 7 students and visits for prospective 6th form students and parents in July. Being a building project, I cannot yet make absolute promises, but watch this space. We are working towards this as desired goal.

On 11th January Steven Greenhalgh, Leader of the Council and Helen Binmore, Councilor for Children’s Services visited the Hammersmith Academy site, with council officers. It was great to be able to show off the construction and help develop a clearer understanding of how this intelligent building will help manifest our vision for creativity and inspiration in learning, whilst ensuring high standards and excellence. The continued support of the Council and its officers has ensured that this project remains on-track and will clearly provide additional opportunities to the residents of Hammersmith and Fulham. Also, the level of IT that permeates the building will allow us to develop my dream to ensure students have access to all the tools and information required to become confident 21st century learners. Hammersmith Academy students will switch naturally between different learning environments using technology that best suits the task in hand.

So with purpose and ambition we continue to fire ourselves up to meet the challenge of launching a cutting edge academy, with children at its core, an advanced curriculum at its heart and inspiration and achievement in its soul.