
Gary Kynaston

hammersmith Academy Headteacher's blog:

The musings of a West London Headteacher

Monday, 24 June 2013

repetitio est mater studiorum - repetition is the mother of study

Firstly, I would like to congratulate our Sixth Formers who have finally completed their exams, especially our Year 13 students whose time at the Academy has come to an end. These students were the Academy’s first cohort and have done us very proud with the work they have put in over the last two academic years. We wish them well for the future and look forward to seeing them at the upcoming leavers’ prom.

Whilst exams have finished for Sixth Form, they are beginning for Years 7 and 8 with end of year exams taking place between Monday 1st July and Friday 12th July. It is imperative students adequately prepare for these exams as the results will be reported as the Module 9 grade on their final modular report. Revision tips have additionally been sent out to help students prepare for these exams, which will also help ready them for the GCSE and A Level exams they are to face in the future.

Ahead of the next academic year, our Parent and Community Advisory Group (PCAG) is to be re-launched. The PCAG will work alongside representatives of the local and wider community to assist myself, the Senior Leadership Team and the Governing Body in its work. Information has been sent out to all parents detailing the nomination process and the deadline date of Friday 28th June.

Finally, our KS3 Athletics Team recently competed in the Regional Finals of the English Schools’ Athletic Association Track & Field Cup. Unfortunately, students were unable to follow-up their win in the opening round and placed sixth amongst schools from across the South East despite a number of personal bests being set.  Their achievements must be applauded and their progress in the competition bodes very well for the future.

Gary Kynaston

Head teacher

Friday, 14 June 2013

bis dat qui cito dat - he gives twice, who gives promptly

bis dat qui cito dat - he gives twice, who gives promptly

As the summer term continues, exams continue and are now into their final stretch; Year 12 students have completed their A Level exams and started work in preparation of the next academic year, and Year 13 students have one week left before they can finally relax. We wish students all the best in these exams and hope their results reflect all the hard work they have put in over the year.

Our Art Department was recently moderated by Edexcel. Moderators were very impressed with the level of work produced in the department and have recommended the Academy be used as test centre for Art.  This is a fantastic achievement and special congratulations must go to Miss Gika and Miss Holland who greatly contributed to this accomplishment.

Last week also saw the arrival of eight newly-hatched chickens to accompany Helix the Hamster in our Science Department. Students and staff were able to witness the chickens hatch from their eggs and watch their very first steps! Unfortunately, the chickens will leave us this week but in the short time they have been with us, they have already made their mark on the Academy.

Finally, as part of our forthcoming ‘Race for Life’ event on Friday 28th June, we will be holding a Tombola and are asking parents and local businesses to donate prizes for this. Anything that can be offered, big or small, would be greatly appreciated and will help increase the amount of money the Academy hopes to raise in support of Cancer Research UK.

Gary Kynaston

Head teacher


Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Ex nihilo nihil fit - Nothing comes from nothing

Ex nihilo nihil fit - Nothing comes from nothing

I hope the week-long half term has left everyone refreshed and revitalised for the final part of the academic year. Whilst there is not long left, there is still a lot of hard work to be done.

Year 8 students will sit English and Maths tests in the coming week. As students move into Key Stage 4 and undertake their GCSEs, these tests will prove imperative in helping us to measure the progress students have made at Key Stage 3. Although these tests are important, they are not linked to in-class study and cannot be revised for.

BTEC Performing Arts students have had their forthcoming appearance at the 2013 Edinburgh Fringe Festival confirmed. A huge ‘pat on the back’ must go to all students and staff that have been involved in this project and all its fundraising efforts, which are still continuing.

Finally, we have a few upcoming events this term which will be open to the local community. We are holding a ‘Race for Life’ fundraiser for Cancer Research (28th June) which will involve various events and activities, and an ‘Arts Day’ (10th July) to showcase the artistic talents and skills of our students. All are welcome to attend and more details are to follow.

Let’s have a great end to the academic year!

Gary Kynaston

Head teacher