
Gary Kynaston

hammersmith Academy Headteacher's blog:

The musings of a West London Headteacher

Friday, 5 October 2012

Another Year. Another Phase

Knowledge itself is power. ipsa scientia potestas est

Welcome to all our students and parents both old and new. We embark on another phase of the development of Hammersmith Academy. This academic year we have doubled the number of staff, students and parents. Students look tremendously professional in their suits and ties. We have seamlessly transitioned and are now beginning to fill this once cavernous building.

The academy crackles with the energy of minds being stretched and new topics being taught. There is so much to learn at the beginning of every school year. The new recruits have taken on the many rules and expectations with great aplomb and eagerness. This vitality is setting the fast pace of learning which is holding back the damp weather and darkness of the ever shortening days. All can be seen at the new year 6 Open Evening on the 10th October. Come and see us in action!

Session 3 enrichment activities have now started with a huge range of options. These include sports teams where Rugby, Football, Hockey and Netball teams are making great strides in the local and national competitions. Also, there are other opportunities in dance, table-tennis and trampolining. Other less exhausting options include art, engineering, languages and creative writing sessions. So many choices and not enough days!

The burgeoning sixth form settle down to their long lessons and the heady heights demanded by A Levels. There is no substitute for hard work as mock exams race towards us. We will get to show off all that we are achieving with our upcoming 6th Form Open Evening on the 17th October. Further, the students were visited earlier this term by Robert Swannell, Chair of Marks and Spencer. His inspirational speech on his life, opportunities and success in business with key messages about integrity, professionalism and determination resonated strongly with all 220 students. Robert is the first in a line of speakers who will be sharing their wealth of knowledge and ingredients for our young people’s success over the coming months.

I look forward sharing with you the on-going story of Hammersmith Academy and the achievements of all our students and staff over the coming year.