The new academy building has been tested by the immense rainfall last month. The warmth of our building has certainly banished the wet weather from our thoughts as we press on through module 7 and the exam season. Mocks are currently under way, coursework firmly squared away and practice papers being attacked with vengeance. In observing the 6th Form, the year 7s are clear about the intensity and quality that will be required of them in a few years’ time.
The arrival of our outdoor tennis tables has created enthusiasm for this Olympic sport. Fast topspin smashes and cool backhand defensive strokes are served up daily. We have seen an increase in participation of both boys and girls seeking regular combat across the net. We search out for more good weather to aid this lunch time competition.
Four classes went indoor bowling as a prize celebration for winning the competition for naming the academy houses. A splendid evening of strikes and halves and dogged competition. A small prize for enduring house names that will last many generations.
Our recycling effort in the academy is developing at pace. This focus, led by the Student Council, will develop an environmentally conscious group of students which will benefit the academy as we grow and double in numbers for next year. The Student Leadership will report on its foci, actions and impact in each academy newsletter. Congratulations to all those successful candidates voted on to the council by their peers.
The cricket season continues unabated by the rain. Not quite a traditional game as games are played indoors but better than cancellation. We hope the wickets will dry out soon for more sporting games on balmy afternoons. The same goes for athletics. We dream of the sunshine in order to move outside and run with the breeze in our faces.
It was a pleasure to show so many of our local community around the academy at our Community Open Evening on the 19th April, the hardy individuals who braved thunder and lightning and no little rain to enjoy a student led tour. We aim to hold further events in the future and will communicate through our community newsletter.
We are beginning to finalise our induction plans for the new year 7 entry for September. Uniform and bag orders are being made. We will send out details very soon.
Offers are going out to our potential 6th form students for next year. If you are in year 11 or 6th form currently and would like to make an application, do so quickly if you want an interview. Contact the academy directly.
Keep up-to-date through our newsletter.