The excitement is building. The countdown has truly begun. We have been meeting with our founding staff and students over the last month and we’re now moving purposefully towards our September start.
We really enjoyed meeting all our year 7 students and parents to find out more about them, organise uniform and answer key questions about the Academy. We look forward to meeting them again at the Academy in July.
The building is completed and we are now waiting for the delivery of furniture and equipment to change spaces into operational classrooms. We’ve got a really busy summer ahead for all staff in getting it all perfect!
We held an excellent Founding Staff Induction Day at the Mercers’ Hall on the last day of the month. This was a chance for all 30 staff, both support and teaching, to meet each other for the first time and start working towards achieving our vision and values in more detail. It was a fantastic event with staff travelling from as far as Bradford and Southampton. We ended our day at the Academy with a continued sense of excitement when many of the staff saw their curriculum areas for the first time – their eyes lit up in anticipation of teaching in such cutting edge facilities. We felt a real sense of pride and collegiality as we became aligned to the vision of starting this exceptional Academy. It feels like we’ve been working as a staff together for years rather than just one day…
We are still interviewing for more support staff over the next few weeks to widen the team supporting our students with their learning. There’s no let up in meeting our project plan and getting all the right people to join our team. Keep checking the website if you are interested in working for the Academy as support staff.
The sixth form acceptance letters keep flooding in. If you want to make a late application, there’s still time, or if you have not had an interview, please contact admissions to arrange one by emailing .
We are planning to hold a sixth form Open Event on the 23rd August to give you an opportunity to see and feel the Academy and talk about options for September. In the mean time, well done for completing your exams, get a good rest and we look forward to hearing about your successes when you come to join us. Remember to confirm your place as soon as you get your results - we will be waiting for you at the Academy.
Our City Dreams competition was a tremendous success and congratulations to Rowan Enis Race and Hamza Khayoun for their winning entries. Prizes will be given out at the Academy to inspire the new Year 7 students in the creative and digital media opportunities offered by the Academy.
So the preparations continue. We will move into the new Academy completely within the next 3 weeks, checking and testing everything to ensure a smooth start for opening on 8th September. We are extremely grateful to St Paul’s Girls’ School for hosting us for over a year and look to continue our warm and close partnership over the coming years.